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C. Wolf:

R. Christian Wolf from ZI-HUb was recently informed that his German-Russian cooperation project „Neural mechanisms of delusions: towards a transnosological model“ will be funded by the DFG-RFBR program, WO 1883/13-1, EUR 208.000. The collaboration between the Department of General Psychiatry, Heidelberg University, the Department of Psychiatry and Psychosomatics, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University and the Mental Health Research Center Moscow seeks, for the first time, to comprehensively characterize delusion-specific neural mechanisms within the schizophrenia-spectrum using multimodal neuroimaging and advanced computational data analysis techniques. The existing clinical data base of patients with persistent delusions, as provided by the Russian partner, is the largest in Europe, if not worldwide. Insights gained from this collaborative project are of transdiagnostic relevance, as much as they can decisively reshape dimensional models of delusion formation.  

In excellent accordance with ZI-HUbs approach to understand, prevent and treat mental illness, the transdiagnostic perspective taken by this collaborative project will decisively reshape dimensional models of delusional belief in psychotic disorders and beyond.  Given the poor clinical response to conventional treatment modalities in patients with persistent delusions, this project will also seek to determine neural targets that may inform novel personalized treatment strategies for enduring psychotic symptoms.

G. Gründer:
EPIsoDE – Efficacy and Safety of Psilocybin in Treatment-Resistant Depression.
Funding Agency: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF; 01EN2006A)
Funding Period: 03/2021 – 02/2024
Total Funding: € 2.362.410 (G. Gründer: € 1.391.500)
Coordinating Investigator (Leiter der klinischen Prüfung, LKP): G. Gründer
Partner Centre: Charité Berlin, Campus Mitte

D. Durstewitz & U. Reininghaus:

January 2020 – January 2024, MWK Living Lab grant

Living Lab: Artificial Intelligence for digital personalized mental health promotion in youth (Lead Applicant) (€792.577) Re. No. 21-7547.223-7/3/2


January 2021 – January 2025, EU H2020 grant

The implementation of Digital Mobile Mental Health in clinical care pathways: Towards person-centered care in psychiatry (IMMERSE). (Co-Investigator) (€817,950) Re. No. 945263


H. Flor:

EU-Project HaPpY:   Comorbidity of cHronic Pain and mood disorders: breaking the vicious cYcle

European Union Innovative Training Network (ITN) as part of the MARIE SKLODOWSKA-CURIE ACTIONS (coordinator Ipek Yalcin, Strasbourg)

2021-2025, 48 months

Participating institutions: Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU) and Schleswig-Holstein University Hospital (UKSH) . Central Institute of Mental Health Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, National University of Ireland Galway, Universidad de Cádiz, Helsingin yliopisto, Heidelberg University Hospital, Universidade do Minho and partner organizations such as Université de Strasbourg, Université de Versailles-Saint Quentin-en-Yvelines, Neurofit SAS, Neurex Alsace and the European Pain Federation.

Duration 48 months


DFG consortium: The role of pandemic and individual vulnerability in longitudinal cohorts across the life span: refined models of neurosociobehavioral pathways into substance (ab)use?” (CoviDrug) (coordinator: Frauke Nees, Kiel/Mannheim).

2021-202024, 36 months

Participating institutions: Central Institute of Mental Health, University of Rostock and University of Kiel

S. Bauer:

Title: A smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment and intervention for adolescents with auditory verbal hallucinations
PI: Marialuisa Cavelti (University of Berne)
Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Funding: SNF
Total funding: 842.853 CHF
Funding for S. Bauer: 110.400 CHF

S. Herpertz:

1.12.2020: Start of work of Prof. C. Korn, W1/W3 Tenure Track Social Neuroscience and his Emmy-Noether Junior Research Group on “Human Cooperation: A multimodal approach” (1.6 Mill)

S. Reber:

Prof. Dr. S. O. Reber (Laboratory for Molecular Psychosomatics at Ulm University; RE 2911/23-1), together with the Co-PI Prof. Dr. D. A. Slattery (Laboratory for Translational Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy, Goethe University Frankfurt; SL141/6-1), successfully applied for a DFG research proposal entitled: „Mycobacterium vaccae immunization: Inducing resilience to stress during pregnany in the dam and protecting her offspring.“ (Attracked funding for AG Reber at Ulm University: 231.767 €; Funding period: 2021-2024)

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